If you have a dog, you must know that oral hygiene for your dog is as important as it is for you. Poor oral hygiene can result in a serious life-threatening condition to your dog. These can be kidney, liver, and heart muscle damage.

According to the study, it is found that more than 80% of dogs show symptoms of periodontal disease as they reach three years of age. So, you must take care of the dental health of your dog and make sure to clean dog teeth regularly at home. This way, your dog will live a happy, healthy, and longer life.

The formation of tartar and plaque can result in gingivitis, which can further lead to various serious diseases. Without proper treatment, gum disease can lead to bad breath. What’s worse than this is that it can result in damage to your dog’s jawbones and even loss of teeth.

Surprisingly, dog dental cleaning is quite simple, even when you are on a tight schedule. You have a number of ways to keep your four-footed friend’s teeth sparkling and healthy for years to come. Following these practices will work great in saving your dog’s teeth and your time.

Dog Dental Cleaning

Signs That Indicate You Need to Visit Vet

There are several signs that will help you to know that now it’s time to schedule dog teeth cleaning.

These signs are bad breath, discolored teeth, bleeding gums, drooling, loss of tooth/teeth, poor appetite, sneezing, and nasal discharge.

The vet will examine the dental condition of your dog during each visit. If he/she finds any dental problem, the vet may recommend you to schedule a dog dental cleaning session.

Experts say that some dogs do not show any kind of sign of the dental issue, but they may suffer from one or another dental issue. Therefore, it is recommended to make a regular visit to the vet as they will check for the possible dental problem with our dog’s teeth. They may also ask you for X-rays if something is suspicious.

Different Ways To Clean Dog Teeth

Let’s have a look at some of the easy ways that can help you keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy.

Brush Teeth With Delicious Toothpaste

Whether it is about dogs or humans, how you brush teeth is the foundation of good oral health. Just like humans, cleaning your dog’s teeth daily is ideal. If you have a busy schedule and don’t have enough time to clean dog teeth daily, you must brush his teeth at least once a week. If you brush 2-3 times a week, it will be better. 

Most dogs can be trained to tolerate and appreciate teeth cleaning, while some dogs don’t like this activity at first. You have to use a toothbrush that is specially designed for dogs. These toothbrushes have angled handles, soft bristles, and several heads. It works great in reaching all the tiny hooks and crevices easier and quicker.

Also, it is important to use toothpaste specifically designed for dogs. It is so because human toothpaste contains toxic ingredients that are not good for dog teeth. You can find numerous flavored toothpastes for dogs, such as peanut butter, beef, and chicken.

Brush Dog Dental Cleaning

The best way is to use different combinations of toothpaste and toothbrush to determine what works the best for your dog. If you establish a regular dog dental cleaning routine at your home, it will take much less time and work effectively towards keeping your dog’s teeth clean.

Make Use of Dog Dental Chews

The use of dog dental chews not only helps in stimulating natural cravings of your dog for a delicious treat, but they are also beneficial for cleaning your dog’s teeth. Also, it provides a great way to keep your dog busy chomping on their treats and will not create trouble elsewhere.

You have a number of dog dental chews available in the market. Moreover, they come as a great choice for dogs of varied sizes and ages. They are made with ingredients that are flexible and easy to digest. Also, they do not contain any artificial ingredients, grains, gluten, flavors, or additives.

You have plenty of options to choose from, like different sizes and shapes. These chews dig into the crevices of your dog’s teeth and promote blood flow through the gums. These chews have hollow shapes and spaces that enable dogs to get a better grip of these items and allow them to chew evenly. At the same time, it is advised to supervise your dog when they are about to get these dental chews.

Also Read: Best Dog Food Brands You Must Try.

Use Dog’s Dental Spray

If your dog’s stinking breath is bothering you and avoiding you from kisses, or if you don’t have enough time to clean dog teeth with a toothbrush, using dog dental spray can be the best solution in these cases. It is considered a quick and easy way to get your teeth clean. You can use these sprays alone or between the brushings, whatever comfortable you are with.

These sprays are quite effective in taking care of your dog’s teeth. They kill plaque-causing bacteria and work great in giving a fresh breath to your dog. In addition to eliminating the dog’s bad breath, these sprays are also effective in removing and preventing tartar, along with preventing plaque build-up.

These dental sprays are easy to use. You just need to spritz the teeth and gums of your dog. We know that some dogs do not stay still while dog dental cleaning, so the best idea is to apply this spray on the dog toys. This way, your dog will get instant fresh breath with minimal effort. You have to use this spray half an hour before your dog’s food time.

Gnaw on Chew Toys

If you have a fun-loving dog, there are high chances that he will love playing with chew toys. You will also love to see how your dog is killing his boredom by playing with your shoes. When it is about keeping your dog busy and entertained for the most time, giving chew toys to him is one of the best solutions.

When you give a chew toy to your dog, it will not only help in keeping him occupied but also work effectively in satisfying his natural instincts to chew. This way, a chew toy will help in improving your dog’s oral health. No matter what age your dog has, dogs of all ages love to explore the world with their teeth.

If you have a puppy, you must know that gnawing naturally soothes his tooth pain and helps adult dogs to stimulate mentally. Chewing is considered the natural way to clean their teeth as consistently gnawing works in scraping the plaque off their teeth.

These chew toys for dogs are made with different kinds of materials, such as plastic, rubber, nylon, and rawhide. The expert advises to keep rotating different types of chew toys as it will help in keeping your dog interested. You can get these toys in different sizes and shapes.

Read More: Best Gift Ideas For Dog Lovers.

Visit Vet for Professional Dog Dental Cleaning

One of the important ways to protect your dog’s teeth and maintain good oral health is to make a regular visit to the vet for professional dog dental cleaning. The vets are highly skilled and experienced in identifying, preventing, and treating the dental issues of your dog. They find the possible sign of any kind of dental problem which may otherwise go unnoticed.

Always keep in mind that your dog needs oral examinations and professional cleanings at least once per year. This way, they will be able to check and find the early warning signs of serious problems. Some dog breeds, such as bulldogs and dachshunds, are more likely to get affected by periodontal disease. These dog breeds frequently require professional cleanings, like once in six months.

Vet Dog Dental Cleaning

The vet is able to remove plaque from the areas where the toothbrush is unable to reach. The professional dog dental cleaning also includes X-rays that will help in evaluating the health of the jawline and teeth roots. The vet will remove plaque and tartar by giving general anesthesia to your dog. During this time, the vet can fill the tooth safely or can even extract the tooth if required.

Though a professional dog’s teeth cleaning is the most expensive and time-consuming option, it is recommended to visit the vet for your dog’s oral exams. Want your dog’s expenses to be covered? Best Pet Insurance For Dog.

Benefits of Dog Dental Cleaning Under Anesthesia

Anesthesia Dog

Thorough Removal of Plaque and Tartar

Even though dental cleaning through anesthesia-free solution is claimed to be as effective as dental cleaning under anesthesia, this solution can cause harm to the dog. If your dog is not given anesthesia, it can become difficult to thoroughly remove plaque and tartar from his teeth. The area below the gum line is not easy to clean. With anesthesia, it becomes easier for the vet to clean each and every area within the mouth.

Less Stress and Discomfort

We all know very well that dogs do not allow teeth cleaning without anesthesia unless they are controlled physically. When you restrict your dog from any movement, it can cause psychological stress to him. It is so because your dog is unable to understand what is going on. So, he will not let you and the vet hold him and work on his teeth.

Also, dog dental cleaning can be uncomfortable and painful in most cases. Giving anesthesia means eliminating this stress and making this cleaning process painless.

Less Expensive in The Long Term

Though anesthesia-free dental cleaning of dogs is less expensive, if we consider it for the long term, it can cost more than choosing to opt for dental cleaning with anesthesia. In anesthesia-free dental cleaning, it is not possible to remove bacteria causing periodontal disease from below the gum line. Due to this, the disease is more likely to spread quickly to the teeth roots. It can also cause harm to the jaw bone that can be very expensive to treat.

Without anesthesia, the vet will not be able to make a thorough examination of the mouth, throat, and tongue. Also, he will be unable to perform other dental procedures.

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Why is it necessary to clean a dog’s teeth?

Just like humans, a dog’s dental health is also connected to his overall physical health. During the first few years of the dog’s life, he is most likely to get affected with periodontal disease. As a result of this, this condition can have a negative impact on his physical health and wellbeing.

When you incorporate a dog’s oral care at home, it helps in controlling the formation of plaque and tartar. The regular visit to the vet for professional cleaning works effectively in keeping your dog’s mouth clean and healthy. If you do not take care of your dog’s teeth in these years, plaque will get developed on all teeth. It will result in bad breath, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. In severe cases, your dog may lose his tooth as well.

What are the ways to keep plaque off the dog’s teeth?

It is very important to help your dog fight dental disease. Some of the tips to maintain good oral health are:

  • Brush your dog’s teeth daily using a finger brush.
  • You can use a plaque prevention product that can be easily applied to your dog’s teeth and gums.
  • Make sure to give dental chews, foods, or treats to your dog that is specifically designed to prevent plaque buildup and tartar.
  • Schedule an annual appointment with the vet for the dental checkups and exams.

What steps are involved in a dental exam?

During the dental exam, the vet will confirm that a dog dental cleaning is required. The vet will examine your dog’s teeth, mouth, and throat. He will check with you what dental procedures are likely required before proceeding to the dental cleaning. The vet may also perform some kind of blood tests to make the proper functioning of the kidney and liver for anesthesia.

Is human toothpaste suitable for dogs?

No, you cannot use human toothpaste to clean dog teeth. Human toothpaste contains ingredients that are quite harmful to dogs and can cause internal problems. Also, this toothpaste contains higher levels of salt that can cause severe problems for some dogs.